User Account Management Control

This is an electronic request form for several subject related to CIST. You can create and submit a paper-less request form to CIST Division using this application

PSI Project Approval and Expenditure Request

Today’s finance professionals need to do more, with less: facing greater demands but with less time and fewer resources. It is essential to put reliable solutions in place to drive efficiency and performance – not only in the finance department but throughout the organization.

VOIP Directory

VOIP Directory allows the directory to be accessed by corporate users to view the directory on Windows platforms with internet browsers, make an automatic call (subject to authentication), modify personal record.

PSI Wiki Documentation

The Wiki Documentation was created for the community to contribute articles and for a writing team to publish manual documentation. This can reduce the learning time for a new member in the organization.

PSI Payment Approval

Today’s finance professionals need to do more, with less: facing greater demands but with less time and fewer resources. It is essential to put reliable solutions in place to drive efficiency and performance – not only in the finance department but throughout the organization. With this support, you and your colleagues can maintain effective financial control and ensure that key business decisions can be based on reliable, up-to-date information.

Permintaan Penerbitan Faktur

Permintaan Penerbitan Faktur digunakan setiap ingin mengajuan penerbitan Faktur dan menerbitkan invoice ke Customer Praweda

Email Signature Generator

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

PCI Project Approval and Expenditure Request

Today’s finance professionals need to do more, with less: facing greater demands but with less time and fewer resources. It is essential to put reliable solutions in place to drive efficiency and performance – not only in the finance department but throughout the organization.

Quotation Request

In the quotation request letter, you can also mention your urgency regarding the quotation. You can also mention in the letter about the quantity estimated to be ordered so that they can send you a better price quotation.

Aplikasi Izin Karyawan PCI dan PSI

Form Izin digunakan setiap Karyawan PT Praweda Ciptakarsa Informatika dan PT Praweda Sarana Informatika yang Datang Terlambat, Pulang Awal, Tidak Masuk atau Tidak Absen (Lupa Absen).

Surat Tugas (Praweda)

Surat tugas adalah sebuah surat yang diberikan atasan kepada bawahan untuk menugaskan seseorang dalam melaksankan tugasnya di cabang atau perusahaan tertentu dan yang ditugaskan dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya dengan waktu dan tempat yang telah ditentukan. Fungsi dari surat tugas adalah sebagai surat pengantar dalam melaksanakan tugas dalam pekerjaannya.

PCI Payment Approval

Today’s finance professionals need to do more, with less: facing greater demands but with less time and fewer resources. It is essential to put reliable solutions in place to drive efficiency and performance – not only in the finance department but throughout the organization. With this support, you and your colleagues can maintain effective financial control and ensure that key business decisions can be based on reliable, up-to-date information.

Incident Report

Incident report is a form that is filled out in order to record details of an unusual event that occurs at the facility, such as an server crash or connection link down. The purpose of the incident report is to document the exact details of the occurrence while they are fresh in the minds of those who witnessed the event.


ownCloud is an open source, self hosted file sync and share app platform. Access and share your files securely in the cloud.

EDMS - Knowledge Tree

Knowledge Tree is one of the applications based on Open Source which is used for the management of electronic documents and archives which we call the e-DMS. This application is Web-based and easy to use as we manage documents on the computer that we use.


OTRS is the leading help desk software solution that makes the communication with your clients more transparent and easier. From incidents to service requests, with the web-based Open Source help desk software, OTRS, no communication is lost and customer requests are routed automatically to the right service team, ensuring they are answered more quickly.